Friday, April 2, 2010

US To Impose New Airline Security Measures

US To Impose New Airline Security Measures
April 2, 2010

The United States will implement new airline security measures this month to replace mandatory screening of passengers from 14 countries, a step that had angered some allies when it was imposed after a failed bombing on Christmas Day.

Security has gotten a lot more strict in the last ten years because of 9/11 attacks on the United States and also an incident in 2006 in London. One of the biggest rules because of teh London issue is the amount of liquid you are allowed to carry on the plane with you. Don't take anything you really care about they may make you throw it away. It upsets us but throwing away your favorite perfume protects you from possible terrorism.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think that although stricter security measures on airlines are merely an annoyance to most average people, they are very important to the safety of our country. It is hard for us to imagine, in our little upper middle class bubble, that there is actually a good chance that many people try to get into our country for the sole purpose of spying, helping out terrorist sects, or any other of a large multitude of reasons.
    New securtity measures need to be constantly implemented to ensure our continued safety in this crazy and merciless world we live in-although a lot of us may think that the U.S carefree, safe style of living is the norm in this world, it is certianly not, as you can see by looking at any one of the numerous third world countries on the earth.

  3. I completely understand the need for more security at the airport for the safety of all, but sometimes I think they take it a little too far. The TSA imaging machines seem a little extreme. I think subjecting people to this machine where the security officers can see you naked is a complete lack of privacy.

    They say they offer the choice between that TSA imaging or a pat down, but I wonder if that choice will be removed if any other serious attack happens.

  4. It is very important to have more security on airlines. The TSA has some new and innovative equipment that will make screening of individuals better and keep the airports and airplanes safer. It is important to make sure we are doing everything we can to keep the security tight at the airports because we know the attacks have not ended will be continued.

  5. Personally I haven't been on a plane since 1995 so I can't really remember what it was like going through baggage and check out and all. I can see where everyone is coming from though. Spending 4 hours before the flight getting every little thing checked and then possibly being(randomly) checked further and or interigated would be an annoyance. Really though when is enough enough? Soon they are going to make you take off every piece of clothing to check it and inspect. Someone could inevitably soak their pants in an odorless chemical that is highly flamable and go on a plane and blow themselves up...We live in a world where anything and everything is possible.

  6. I can understand why airlines feel the need for so much more security. They might get annoying and hard if they make you throw away certain things. But I would understand because they are just looking out for the security of so many people, especially because there have been so many bombing attacks.

  7. I completely understand why the airlines are becoming more strict. My father is a pilot and it is scarey to think that at anytime a terrorist my be on the plane. It doesnt happen very often but if you can prevent something then you should and not take any risk. Even though people think it is bad to make the heavier checks on the 14 countries it is completely necessary because we have to profile people when all the issues have been coming from certain groups. Its annoying that i cant even bring knitting needles on the plane, but if a bad person decided to use my needles for something bad then i guess its worth reading instead of knitting.

    Also i dont think security really is that bad, i can always go in and out extreamly easy. Another thiing is that security is just as strict on the pilots too! So its not just that passangers!

  8. I think that increased security measures are necessary. I know that this causes many headaches for travelers. Having to be very careful what you pack, longer time waiting in security lines at the airport, going through the "red tape" if you accidentally packed a banned item are all examples of new stresses for travelers. However, with so many threats and violent acts actually being carried out, these are all measures that must be taken to prevent disasters. I don't mind having to take the extra time packing since i know that these standards may be the only things preventing another horrific tragedy like 9/11.

  9. I think the need for stricter security on planes in needed even though it might be annoying and not too fun to deal with. I would much more rather have stricter searches before getting on the plan and feeling safer than having not too thorough searches and not feeling as safe. It seems like there is always something on the news with some type of transportation system being attacked and planes are the scariest.

    The security right now isn’t that bad in my opinion, it might be a little annoying by having to get to the airport so much earlier than I need to, but I don’t really remember it any other way. So I’m sure that after all of the new security checks are going on for a while, we will get just as used to it that way and it wont be that big of a deal.

  10. I think we need to stay strict about security, even if it means buying your shampoo and conditioner when you get off the plane. For me, my life is more of a priority than the little things you cannot bring on a plane anymore. Terrorists are getting smarter and there actually could be something outrageous in a toothpaste container.
    I also think everyone should be searched. This random searching does not ensure that EVERYONE is clear and capable of no harm.
